Friday, November 26, 2010

A New Shot Titled: "I'm Sorry"

I've been out of commission for a while, but for good reason... Busy, busy, busy !!!
My contract at ImageMovers Digital ended at the end of Sept. and I was able to go visit family and friends on some downtime in Oct. Since then I've started this new shot at home and started a new contract at Rhythm and Hues.
I wanted to post the blocking for the new shot because I will not be working on it again until I finish my contract at R&H (January/February). Keep in mind that it's still in a very rough blocking phase. Just giving the main storytelling poses, timing and layout of the shots, composition, and hopefully, the understanding of the story I am trying to tell. Please let me know if it makes sense and if it's feeling right. The pink slip in his hand is representing the loss of his job. I believe it was a metaphor back in the 30's or 50's for loosing work... Anyways, hope you enjoy it in its roughest of forms and I will definitely post more versions as I get the chance to work on it.
Thanks You for any and all thoughts, comments, suggestions, and feedback!!