Friday, November 26, 2010
A New Shot Titled: "I'm Sorry"
I've been out of commission for a while, but for good reason... Busy, busy, busy !!!
My contract at ImageMovers Digital ended at the end of Sept. and I was able to go visit family and friends on some downtime in Oct. Since then I've started this new shot at home and started a new contract at Rhythm and Hues.
I wanted to post the blocking for the new shot because I will not be working on it again until I finish my contract at R&H (January/February). Keep in mind that it's still in a very rough blocking phase. Just giving the main storytelling poses, timing and layout of the shots, composition, and hopefully, the understanding of the story I am trying to tell. Please let me know if it makes sense and if it's feeling right. The pink slip in his hand is representing the loss of his job. I believe it was a metaphor back in the 30's or 50's for loosing work... Anyways, hope you enjoy it in its roughest of forms and I will definitely post more versions as I get the chance to work on it.
Thanks You for any and all thoughts, comments, suggestions, and feedback!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"World War Z" has its Star's coming. For all you Zombie fans out there (my brothers and sisters), the battle of Yonkers is coming! And that can mean only one thing... "World War Z" has a BIG green light! Thank you Paramount, Plan B, Brad Pitt, and most importantly, Max Brooks for bringing this epic novel to the big screen. With Brad Pitt fitting to star, "World War Z" will get the financial backing it deserves. Summer 2012, look out. We have another huge blockbuster in the making. I know I'll be seeing this one a few times in IMAX, popcorn in hand!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
"Mars Needs Moms"

It is the story of a young boy who takes his wonderful mother for granted... Until one night she is abducted by aliens and taken back to their home planet of Mars to be the care taker of their out-of-control children.
Thank you ImageMovers Digital for the opportunity to be apart of this film - I am forever grateful!! And thank you to all the wonderful people that I worked with on this project - you really made this experience all the better and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
"Mars..." is due out this March - hope you all enjoy it :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
"Slow Motion"
Here is the link to a VERY funny experimental, short film that I can't stop laughing at!! I am also a BIG fan of the film for it stars a good friend of mine (Geordie Martinez), who is an awesome artist / rigger / animator and a talented actor as well! The creator, (another good friend and an awesome Ulitmate Frisbee player) Matthew Ward directed and cut the film in a matter of days. He and Steve Kirchner shot it on a weekend and it is complimented by The David Grey number also titled, "Slow Motion". Really nice, quality work and very entertaining!
All you coffee drinkers out there, enjoy :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
ILM's new film, "Rango"... with a little hint of GONZO

(here's the link to the trailer - enjoy)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Animation Demo Reel 2010
(high res. version can be found with the link on the right side of the blog)
.....WOW, time flies when you're learning animation :)
18 months has come and gone in a flash and I can't even begin to express how much I've learned throughout this program... Bobby, Shawn, Carlos and the Animation Mentor crew have done a masterful job creating this unbelievable school. All the contributing professional animators and mentors go above and beyond expectations in teaching their craft. I can honestly say, it is one of the most solid educational experiences I have had and will ever have in my life!!!
I have to give a personal Thank You to "the god fathers", Bobby, Shawn, and Carlos for fulfilling a need and creating Animation Mentor - THANK YOU SO MUCH... I am forever grateful!!! I also want to give a BIG Thank You to my incredible mentors: Elliott Roberts, Jim Brown, Morgan Kelly, Nicole Herr, Randy Haycock and Mark Oftedal - you all have left an everlasting impression on my work and confidence as an animator... THANK YOU SO MUCH for your expertise, time and generosity!!! And last, but certainly not least, my fellow AMers, friends and family for all their support, feedback, and generosity!!! I really wouldn't have been able to do this without you all - THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me chase down my dream of becoming a professional animator!!
Now, without further ado, I give you..... MY ANIMATION DEMO REEL!! I hope you all enjoy!
Monday, February 1, 2010
My Monologue... so far :)
This is my final, (well, at least for now... ha-ha :) of my monologue shot...
The story I'm trying to sell in the shot is the "sappiness" of this male character (Bishop). He really loves his wife and he's trying to say the most romantic thing that comes to mind.... the problem is, his mind is filled with comic book hero's and the sci-fi channel. All turns out for the best because he knows she really loves him for who he is and that gives him the confidence that he needs :)
You will notice that I toned down the performance a touch in a few places compared to where it was before this term started and I really feel it is for the best... My new mentor, Randy Haycock is a really amazing person and you can tell immediately that he has a strong passion for animation. He has been BIG helps this semester and has given me some really great insight into my shot and overall acting in general !! Thank You Randy for EVERYTHING !! I also feel I'm developing a more efficient workflow, so I'm hoping to see more improvement going forward on my next shot...
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy, "Batman & Robin" !!